My Top 15 MUST HAVE Items for New Mum and Newborn

So Eden is two weeks old already. How did that happen? Well between the sleepless nights, breastfeeding and burps, it definitely happened quickly!

I’d thought be helpful to all the new and expectant mums out there and put together a list of my favourite MUST HAVE items that have got me through the first few weeks with my newborn, including items for mum and baby.

What’s even better, I purchased all these items from Amazon, who are still offering next day Prime delivery on a lot of items in this quarantine period which is very handy!

Disclaimer: Please note that some links in this post are affiliate links which earn me a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Items for Mum

1. Always Discreet Pants -

Now, a lot of women don’t know this but you bleed quite a lot after giving birth and sometimes up to six weeks. It’s called lochia and your flow can vary from a normal period to very heavy. These discreet pants have been a life saver, I used them when I had Ez and find them so much more comfortable than maternity pads. If you don’t get anything else on this list, then get these! You won’t regret it!!

2. Spritz for Bitz Pregnancy and Postnatal Spray -

After birth, your quite sore and bruised and even more sore if you had stitches like I did. This spray bought for me by my good friend Deborah of colour celebrations ( was a life saver. It contains all the good stuff: lavender, tea tree and witch hazel to help promote healing and also helps soothes and relives discomfort.

3. Lansinoh HPA Lanolin Nipple Cream -

Right, so breastfeeding isn’t a walk in the park especially in the first few days and weeks. That’s where this nipple cream comes in. Helps ease those dry, sore cracked nipples and is totally safe for baby so no need to wipe up before a feed.

4. Lansinoh breastfeeding collector cup -

This is a new addition this time round and I’m so happy I got this! When most of us breastfeed, we experience a let down in the breast your not feeding from and some milk is potentially wasted. And we all know how precious that golden liquid is! Place this collection cup on the breast your nit feeding on and voila, no more wasted milk. I was shocked when I used it the first time- it collected over 1.5oz of milk that would have otherwise been wasted!!

5. Comfy Degree Changing Bag -

I know it’s lockdown season so we’re not really going out much, but my bestie Gabrielle ( got me this baby bag and it’s so handy! It’s spacious and a rucksack too so all the weight evens out on your back when you carry it. The best bit? It has a USB port to charge your phone when you are out and about. Sick!!!!

For Newborn

6. Mama Baba Bebe Beanbag-

One of my best purchases for Ez when it was his time, I had to get this again for Eden! She spends most of the day in this beanbag, it’s so comfy and a God send! You can easily wash the covers too.

7. PlayGym -

We gotta keep those little ones active! I use this to encourage tummy time and exploring different colours and animals. They are never too early to exercise or learn!

8. Tim and Tam Silk Crib Sheet -

I have a next to me crib and if I learnt anything from Ezekiels time, it’s that you need a silk sheet to prevent hair rubbing and breaking at the back of babies head. I’m making sure that this time round I take really good care of Eden’s hair so this sheet is a must!

9. Lictin Health and Safety Kit -

This kit contains so many essential things like nasal aspirator, nail clippers, nail files, digital thermometer, comb etc. It’s been so useful to me and I’ve used it so many times already.

10. Angelcare Bath Support -

Does what it says on the tin! Supports baby in the bath safely.

11. Bamboo Wash Clothes -

Super soft and there’s so many in the pack too. I use this to wipe Eden down with some warm water or in the bath. I find it kinder on the skin compared to any sponges.

12. Milton Sterilising Fluid -

This time round, I’m doing it the old school way! This is the method my mum used for me... and once you’ve sterilised the bottles, they are clean for 24 hours. I had an electric unit last time but it took up so much space in the kitchen that I decided to try something different.

13. Milton Sterilising Unit -

This can be used for a 15 minute cold water session or two minutes in the microwave. It holds 5 bottles and doesn’t take up that much space in the kitchen too!

14. Baby Bottle Drying Rack -

This is just somewhere cute to put all the bottles I wash for her away before sterilisation.

15. Waterproof Changing Mat -

Another one that says what it does on the tin. It’s extra padded too!

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading through this list. If you are a new mum or know anyone who’s pregnant, please do share the link with them so they can get a good idea of what to purchase before baby arrives!

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you in the next post, love Tinuke x


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