The first few (sleepless) nights
You've given birth to your beautiful bundle of joy, you've been discharged from the hospital and you are so excited to finally welcome your baby home. Your (so far) sleepy baby seems happy to be in his new space that you've worked tirelessly over the months you were pregnant to make perfect for him...
Then cue the first night. While you have prepared yourself mentally for the sleepless nights and heard so many stories about them, you think to yourself "It can't be THAT bad right?"
It's 11:00pm and baby wants a feed so he cries and you feed him. Simple enough. Then it's 11:30 and baby needs a nappy change so you change him. Easy. Then it's 11:40 and baby is still crying, so you wonder if he is gassy and try to burp him again. Roll on 12:00am and you have this screaming baby that doesn't seem to settle and it feels like he doesn't want to be settled no matter what you try. When I say screaming I don't mean those little cute yelps he first did in the hospital- I mean full blown screeching at the top of his lungs, the type where you are praying to God the neighbours don't wake up and complain!!
I found the first sleepless night quite challenging as you feel like you have done everything possible but baby just won't cooperate. It's difficult watching your helpless little one crying so much and not really knowing what he wants. And this goes on for what seems like eternity...
By night two I found that when he kicked off at 11:00pm like he did the previous night, I fed and changed him and he was okay for a while. Then by 1:00am I found that after feeding and changing he still wasn't settled so I walked around the house gently rocking him. That did the trick that time.
The next time he cried I walked around and sang to him and he was loving it! Then I realised he likes music and the sound of my voice so I made sure every time he cried I would speak to him like we were having a conversation just to let him know he wasn't alone and to help settle him.
I also noticed quite quickly that he loves being put on my chest after a feed for some good old skin to skin contact. He also likes being put in his "Mamaroo" bouncer.
So now I have a bank of things I know I can try- that works for him- when he's up in the night and restless. Just remember that every baby is different and responds to situations differently... so new mums my methods may or may not work for you. But DO enjoy exploring baby and what works for both of you.
It does get a little bit better everyday, I promise. Before you know it you've mastered your baby and can decipher his cries and boom just like that your an expert giving others advice! All my yummy mummy friends reassure me that by 3/4 months it calms down and he starts sleeping through the night.... bring it on!
Until next time x